
Test Day

Well I had an exam today in Medieval Warfare. I didn’t really study a ton, I read the material I was supposed to read and looked over my notes from class 2 or 3 times. Nothing major. Heck before class I was sitting there playing sudoku while the rest of the class was freaking out about the test. Why didn’t I study more? Well I think I’m dropping the class.

There are a couple reasons for it. I feel there are too many reading classes right now in my schedule and this class is one of the major ones taking up a lot of my time. I feel the need to drop one in order to pick up more time to get my schedule less hectic. This class I need the least of the classes that I have so it is very expendable AND like I said it gives me the biggest bang for my buck. I never was happy with the scheduling of the class, it was a few hours away from any other class, in a building across campus. What this generally meant was that I had to drive home and back because I didn’t want to spend a few hours on campus every day. In addition it had a discussion class tacked on which I really don’t care for at all. And these classes tend to add more classtime than is normal. Usually I’d say a 3 credit class consists of 3 50 minute periods. With a discussion class it turns into 4.

So, with dropping this class I should pick up a good 6-7 hours a week off class time alone (including drive time). Add to that I would like save another 3-4 hours off of study time and I am looking at a good 9-11 hours per week from this class drop. This is an enormous amount of time for me to be able to study for other classes, write, and design games.

But who knows. If the test turns out well (which it probably won’t), I actually may be inclined to keep the class as it was a skipable class anyway.